09.21.2016, 05:48 PM
invito al cielo
Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: fucking Los Angeles
Posts: 14,801
Originally Posted by LifeDistortion
Does Hi Rise follow a storytelling trope? It definitely does, I can't deny that, and I can't say why movies like Snowpiercer and Hi-Rise are just now getting their film adaptations when the literary source material (Snowpiercer based off a graphic novel from 1982, Hi-Rise based off a J.G. Ballard novel from 1975) have been around for quite some time. Isn't the post-apocalyptic story itself a reused idea? Isn't any movie's story only as successful as the way its told and presented? If not wouldn't everything that needed to be said about a repressed futuristic society have been said with "Metropolis"?

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