Originally Posted by demonrail666
It sounds like you saw the 'long' version. There will never be a completely full version because some of the original negatives are lost but that version is the the closest you'll get to it. I have a 4 disc box set that has all the available versions including that one, plus loads of extras like the Mark Kermode documentary and a Christopher Lee commentary. Even the soundtrack CD. If you have a multi region player you should snap it up.
As terrible as i is, you should try and see the sequel, The Wicker Tree. If nothing else it does make explicit the fraudulence of the cult leaders. But as bad as you're imagining it might be, believe me, it's even worse. Put it this way, the Nic Cage remake is better.
haaaaa haaaaa NOOOOOO. no way i'm going to watch the wicker fucking tree. why ruin a perfect thing with horrible cynical sequels? some things are worth ignoring. i hear the tree of knowlege makes poison fruit ha ha ha. i'm staying in paradise. as bjork once said to an interviewer while casually picking her own nose-- "why suffer?"
anyway... the original 1942 "cat people" was just released on bluray. netflix has it, so i'm on the waitlist ("long wait" it says).
meanwhile i have a korean movie called "the isle" which is supposedly one of the most erotic horror movies ever. i'll see about that soon enough....