Originally Posted by LifeDistortion
I plan on watching this, but I've gotta say, these stories are just becoming too common. There's the whole Wool/Silo thing in books and soon in movies (class war within a hierarchical post-apocalyptic
underground silo where the power's at the top), there's Snowpiercer (class war inside a hierarchical post-apocalyptic
train where the power's at the front), there was Judge Dredd (class war inside hierarchical post-apocalyptic
tenement building inside a post-apocalyptic hierarchical
megacity where the power's ... at the top) and now High Rise... same scenario as Dredd only in a post-apocalyptic hierarchical
ab-fab penthouse with apparently some James Bon-type shit going on.
I mean, where does it end? Will it be a post-apoc
plane next? A pyramid? A bungalow? Ranch house? School bus?
Where does the post-apocalyptic hierarchical class war NOT happen?
What's funny is the idea began as a "twist" of sorts. A tried and true story telling tool. Keeping everyone in one location for the duration and people will find that interesting. Now it's just a trope. Twist not included.
I guess I should see the movie before I judge. But even if High Rise is totally different, that "it's the end of the world BUT they're all in a big THING together!" angle had been done to death.