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Old 09.20.2016, 10:28 AM   #19611
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Originally Posted by demonrail666
I side with Summerisle until the final scene, in part because I don't think Summerisle does believe in the religion but rather the power it secures him. That scene you mention, where he discusses his ancestors with Howie seems pretty clear on that point. So however arrogant, prudish, narrow minded, etc, Howie is, what Summerisle ultimately does to him isn't just barbaric but cruel and cynical. Whereas by the end Howie is at worst just a fool. That's part of its genius for me, the way it manipulates your sympathies, plays games with you the way the islanders play with Howie - something the remake misses entirely. Apects of it remind me a bit of Peter Greenaway films like Drowning by Numbers. That sense of a game within a game. It may not be the scariest horror movie ever, but it's definitely one of the cleverest.

I love the bedroom scene! Even putting aside its significance to the plot it just reinforces the strange atmosphere of the whole thing. for all its faults I'm so glad it's in the film. And what a great song!

But regardless of how we respond to or interpret it, or whichever films we try and compare it with, it is something else. It's its own thing. A genuine one off.


Fuck, now I've gotta watch it again.
It's been years, but you guys have pumped me up about it now.

Girlfriend's away for the night. Do I dare watch it by myself? I'm pretty sure I'll still find it scary, despite Slambang's renewed view of it as somewhat joyous and/or comic.

For me, The Wicker Man (original now, no point talking about Nic Cage's sad bastard ass) is a bit like Argento's Suspiria. A lot of people find flaws with that film, in the production oopsies and the overdubbing and dated effects, but I can easily set all that shit aside, because when you get right down to it, Suspiria is a truly terrifying fucking movie. It will always scare me, even though I always laugh at that opening scene. Shit gets creepy as fuck in that film, and it's like THE moment when Argento found his voice. Too bad he's lost it so many times over the years.

But Wicker Man is similar (though, of course, completely and utterly different). It might have some seriously corny moments, but the overall effect of the film is powerful and unforgettable. I too think it transcends the "b-movie" label.

But I gues I'll have to watch it again to be 100% sure on all this.
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