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Old 09.16.2016, 11:01 AM   #19578
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!@#$%! kicks all y'all's asses!@#$%! kicks all y'all's asses!@#$%! kicks all y'all's asses!@#$%! kicks all y'all's asses!@#$%! kicks all y'all's asses!@#$%! kicks all y'all's asses!@#$%! kicks all y'all's asses!@#$%! kicks all y'all's asses!@#$%! kicks all y'all's asses!@#$%! kicks all y'all's asses!@#$%! kicks all y'all's asses
re:superman etc, i've made clear that i'm not crazy about superheros but i'll watch some movies some times. i grew up watching some of that shit and i'm not going to completely abjure it.

the thing with superman is-- how can that earnest lumbering beast not ever be boring? luthor was always the interesting one. the old movies (late 70s/early 80s?) were "okay", good for the special effects, but not great or something, just big and spectacular. was luthor gene hackman? he was good and manic.

the new superman barely kept me awake. is it amy adams in the north pole? i can't even remember what happened.

the nolan batmans i thought were as great as superhero movies come. they're not for me the best movies ever in any sort of contest, but they were enthralling and good spectacle and great effects, and christian bale and the dead guy are good actors. the supermodel heated up the last one. 3 was the right number though. quit while you're ahead. then rest on your laurels.

my favorite superhero movie of recent times was the joss whedon one-- avengers. because he found a way to both let you care about these creatures but also poke fun at some of the absurdities and keep you laughing to avoid an overly earnest plodding serious business.

the first thor was pretty good--filmed near here actually. the ones that followed-- too much bullshit.

the first hellboy was AWESOME. the second one was good but suffers a little in recollection.

x-men 1 was good, x-men 2 was GREAT, then i lost track with all the BS.

matrix 1 was GREAT, then it nosedived

iron man was pretty great the first two, thanks especially to the actor guy, and great effects. now i've lost track of how many movies they'd made about him or why should i care, it becomes too predictable.

the spiderman reboots are not very good but toby mcguire was SO FUCKING ANNOYING it was necessary for me to have a different face. at least the new kid is not as annoying, but so many versions of the same story in so quick succession can muddle one's brain. one could argue that a 10-year old won't know this, but 10 year olds watch not-so-old movies at home too.

ang lee's hulk was awful. the new hulk is okay. but like pepper, best not abused.

heroes, the tv show, started pretty enthralling, then it descended into stupidity. other shit cropped up: alphas, with the fart-smelling superpower. and a derivation of that derivation, ad nauseam.

my overall assessment i suppose would be that these movies & tv tie-ins can actually be pretty great entertainment, but when they get milked over and over until that tit dries up and they give you sugar water instead of milk and you're supposed to keep track of the whole "universe" even with inferior tv shows like agents of S.H.I.T.,, the overall thing degrades and one starts getting allergic reactions to the whole premise.

the movie industry needs a new fashion, like-- cannibal holocausts or something. well, no, we have like 10 types of zombies every year! something else. i don't know.

LAST: PLEASE NO MORE TIME TRAVELING OR RESURRECTION BULLSHIT. what makes drama dramatic is the possibility of death. when you can kill someone one day and bring them up the following week because "timelines!" is when i stop giving 2 shits. i believe that's what turned "heroes'" into a pointless shitshow, among other things. if death isn't final, it isn't death at all.
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