Originally Posted by demonrail666
I loved the 1st half of series one but I thought it lost its way a bit in the 2nd half, with the second investigation. Reggie Ledoux was such a terrifying figure. Even though some of the people in the 2nd half did worse things, Ledoux was genuinely scary. That bit when you 1st see him at the farm, pure depressing evil. Hannibal Lector doesn't even come close, and you're just watching Ledoux walking in the distance.
And that scene with the prostitute where she talks about a lot of people just disappearing. It's like the whole place is just pure hell.
I'd probably like the 2nd half of season 1 more if those 1st few episodes weren't so mindblowing.

I agree to some extent. The first half was horrifying, and it was hard to imagine how they were going amp up that faceless terror factor again.
For me, it clicked when the "Yellow King" imagery returned, and Rust realized (I forget what the context was, but it was after talking to one of the surviving victims) that the "worst of them" was still out there.
And then of course realizing that he'd had a conversation with the dude early on. That was pretty fucked up.
I've seen other references to "Yellow Kings" in horror and fantasy literature. There was actually a book called the Yellow King that came out last year... never read it, but it seems like there's an actual urban legend surrounding that character. If there is, I'm ignorant of it, or too stupid to connect it to the mythical being it's supposed to represent, but I want to learn more about it because it's a powerful and scary fucking image.