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Old 09.01.2016, 08:26 AM   #19425
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!@#$%! kicks all y'all's asses!@#$%! kicks all y'all's asses!@#$%! kicks all y'all's asses!@#$%! kicks all y'all's asses!@#$%! kicks all y'all's asses!@#$%! kicks all y'all's asses!@#$%! kicks all y'all's asses!@#$%! kicks all y'all's asses!@#$%! kicks all y'all's asses!@#$%! kicks all y'all's asses!@#$%! kicks all y'all's asses
Originally Posted by Severian
You don't have to be a patronizing dick because we disagree about a movie. No, really, you don't. If I've ever done that to you, tell me so I can slap myself for being a bitch.

You know, it's not even that I so strongly dislike the film. As I said, I admire its ambition, its scope. I admire its inherent irony, and the performances in the film. I'm not bandwagon hopping "historical accuracy" Nazi — not in this case anyway — because I think the point of the film and play is not to form a definitive statement of who Mozart truly was, but rather to spin an epic tale about friendship, competition, greed, and a childish refusal to let go of ego-driven grudges. Yes, it's a hell of a spectacle. The film, as a film, is — or has been — unquestionably influencial, and it brings Mozart's work to life in a grand (if a bit, as SFAD said, "eurotrashy" way).

The truth is that the film is simply not enjoyable to me. F. Murray Abraham is wonderful, but Hulce's performance, and much of the garish aesthetic, are migraine-inducing. As a work of film it is enviable in many respects however, and I know that even Hulce's nails-on-chalkboard yelps serve a purpose, but it's goddamn tooth curling all the same.

So if I'm going to be honest, I'd have to say that the film is definitely a monumental achievement, and the elements you mentioned are all points in its favor. Buf it also goes down like cough syrup. Sickeningly sweet and, in the end, narcotizing. Just because it's a big fucking to-do, doesn't mean I have to like it, and not liking it (or anything) does not translate to being "not (intellectually) equipped" to talk about it. If I knew you were going to have a tantrum over my saying it was shit, I would certainly have elaborated. But Christ, you're acting like I said you were shit. A conclusion only a puffed up snob would come to.

But seriously, fuck you for taking the low road and insulting my intelligence simply because I don't jizz my pants over one of the most controversial movies in history. I'm hardly the first person to have qualms with the film.

And you're hardly the first person to sing its praises. It won Best Picture. It's been the subject of countless thesis and dissertation works. It's adored by community college music teachers the world over, so guess what you snobby fuck? You're not going to win any IQ contests by rattling off a bunch of reasons why it's good.

You're better than this. I would like to think of you as an eloquent enough person to be able to disagree with someone without immediately resorting to making fun, patronizing, and implying that they are "not equipped" to talk about a movie that's been dissected and mooned over, and dissected more, and torn to pieces, by everyone and their grandmother over the past 32 years. If you're looking for something to act high and mighty about, I truly feel sorry for you that Amadeus is that thing.

Keep making nasty patronizing references to superheroes, though. We all know that liking "capes and tights" doth a true idiot make. I definitely deserve all your huffy, elevated ire, and this — you're little hissy fit — was clearly the BEST way to tell me that you disagree with me about Amadeus, and don't appreciate my three word evaluation of the film.

Much more effective and civilized than... I don't know... asking me why I don't like the movie. Yes, better to just huck insults first and explain later when confronted with an opposing opinion, hmm?

Again, this has been embarrassing for you.

what a shit comment. i applaud the ambition, but fuck that noise.

Originally Posted by evollove
Has anyone else noticed that there's never been a disagreement on SYG until d.sound showed up?

i know! we were all little lambs until just the other day

Originally Posted by demonrail666


I love Frank Henenlotter and I put this only just behind the 1st Basket Case as my fave of his. To think that Driving Miss Daisy won the Oscar for best film that year.

This i neeed to watch
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