Originally Posted by Severian
You're drunk, Sparrow needs to be read from start to finish or not at all. How can you just toss that book away?
Like, what happened to his hands?!
Why is this priest the presumed murderer of all of his closest friends?
What did they find? Was it God, or was it the Devil?
You bastard. Read that shit. You said you liked Doria Russell's narrative style and voice at the time.
i dont read drunk. coffee and tobacco at most.
and i didn't toss it, i just returned it to the library for others to pick up
i'm not big into mysteries, or body damage
i do watch british detective shows sometimes-- the brits seems to have an obsession with the genre
but it's more because i enjoy the wuiet pace of their tv-- foyle's war is like some sort of very mellow valium--only towards the last season it starts to get a little frantic-- street footchases and what not
but anyway yes i did like th way she started. this big straightforward narrative taking big leaps and it's kinda like beowulf.
then she switches mode and starts describing these fucking
characters. my fuck, i want to slice their throats. just kidding. i just don't want to read about them.
what can i do about this? how do i become interested in them?
honest question!