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Old 06.16.2016, 04:22 PM   #4287
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Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
in general. Only the books/movies that actually tell some story last. The rest are like etudes in music, good for practice, but not sustaining to a listener.

i thought you had aimed your comments at delillo who is often acused of that

Originally Posted by evollove
Donny does 1.) fantastic sentences and 2.) ideas. That's about it. I really can't generate a mental image of a single one of his characters. Great if you're in the mood. Guess you weren't. Fair enough. Personally, I turn to Nabokov in such times.

i have plenty of mental images of white noise, which i loved, and read twice

i'm now different than i was then though. it's "ideas" that i often see as a distraction. long story for another time.

Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
This Borges book is twisting my melon man...

some of the short stories are a bit tedious in a Poe manner, but whne they are good they are good, and concise!

i first read him when i was 12, ran into him by pure chance in an ANTOLOGIA DE LA LITERATURA FANTASTICA, which he edited with bioy casares.

got his first book at 13-- the "obras completas" with the green cover. what he did to my brain was way more potent than hallucinogenics.

Originally Posted by evollove
I HATE to brag but I'm sort of an expert on Borges.

Did you know Borges was deaf? And he worked at a library in Brazil, as a janitor I think. Great irony: he worked in a library, and yet he couldn't hear anyone read to him!

Also, he had unusually small hands. Many critics think this is why he wrote such short stories.

And did you know he was about to be executed but the President or Governor or whatever changed his mind at the last minute? Crazy shit.

I have a ton of facts on the man. I'm thinking of writing a book.

i hope you devote a chapter on how he rode giraffes in his family's ranch in brazil, and how he had to give it up due to a spinal lesion which consumed him until his last day. in fact he died of heat stroke in a park bench in austin, tx, because he couldn't walk up from it and get a drink of water


reading bits of ulysses today because obviously. free now at project gutenberg
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