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Old 05.31.2016, 01:36 PM   #4245
expwy. to yr skull
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i am doing a computer course at the moment which you pay close to 300 for.

every single week except the 1st there has been at least one person missing. last week there were 6 people missing. this is a course filled up with adults that chose to pay to do it. so many have been missing the course was nearly cancelled.

these people PAID to do the course and can't even be bothered to show up half the time. they can enjoy failing and staying in their service sector jobs until the robots take them. idiots.

great information, a great teacher, a good friendly atmosphere yet some of them can't even be bothered to get their moneys worth.

i get that for the noobs it's maybe a bit steep but the info is very clear and it's not hard to at least memorize enough of it to pass, yet i know some of these dolts are gonna fail.

im sorry noone is going to hold your hand and tell you you're special because you can't be bothered to try and learn.

we also have one guy who must be autistic or aspergers who keeps interrupting with random comments that add nothing and break the flow and are initially delivered in too quiet a voice for anyone to hear then repeated. ok - i get that his brain is wired different and i get that he needs every chance he can get to get some bankable skills and i'm not going to bully the guy - but he's now missing lesson after lesson. peoples patience is being tested by him but he is being helped and his stupid questions are being answered. yet he cant be bothered to show up anymore. i'm not gonna bet on his chances of being employed in IT in the future.

the conclusions i'm drawing from this:

on the first week we all met and each said a few words about why we were doing the course, a large number of people said it was because they were stuck in low wage service sector jobs. we were also told that if enough of us were absent the course would be cancelled.

everyone knew this yet half of them have been off at least once. therefore:

a) they do not give a fuck about the fact others probably poorer than them paid and could lose a year or not get to do the course at all because of their laziness.

b) some of them are prepared to throw money around for the initial good feeling of doing something sensible yet can't actually be bothered to follow through.

c) some of them think so little of the classes they assume they don't need them and can just glide through half assedly and that playing xbox is more worthwhile

d) they don't respect the rest of us or the teacher enough to at least show up and try to listen

fuck 'em. glad the school got their money
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