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Old 04.21.2016, 08:12 PM   #19239
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Originally Posted by tesla69
The Hateful Eight - its really another Tarantino dialogue film punctuated by extreme and improbably violence - some of the acting felt a little overacted, that said, i enjoyed seeing Boyd Crowder in the film and it really is a great cast. Its really not much of a western, although the outdoor panavision scenes are spectacular, amazing those open vistas still exist. But I doubt I'll watch it again.

Have you ever seen Bruce Dern in The Cowboys? Now there is a western.

Oh, I finally saw the Hateful Eight! Couple weekends ago. I guess I forgot to bring it up.

It was kind of a Tarantino-genre Tarantino movie, if that makes sense. You know how Scorcese does movies like "the Wolf of Wall Street" that are basically just "Goodfellas" in different environments, or under different circumstances? Well, I think Scorcese has essentially invented his own genre here, and a lot of films that are influenced by him are most easily described as "Scorcese-esque" ...

Same is true of Tarantino. And this was another film in the narrative vein of Django Unchained, which was in the narrative vein of Inglorious Basterds, which was in the vein of Kill Bill, and so on.

As a Tarantino film, it hovers somewhere in the middle. It's a good median point for measuring the overall quality of his films. But as a movie movie, it was actually better than average. Strange as that sounds.

It's gotta be the least violent Tarantino movie ever made, and that probably stems from the dialogue heavy screenplay. It reminded me a bit of 12 Angry Men (a favorite of mine).

I don't know why JJL was the only one to get an Oscar nom. I think Kurt Russell did a great (though extremely hammy) job, as did Samuel Jackson.

And surprise of the evening: Fucking Channing Tatum was actually pretty goddamn good! I would like to see more of him not being a douche bag in movies because he may actually have some genuine talent.

Brilliant the way his "story" ended so abruptly, to the cackling nut-busted infectious laughter of Jackson. Hah. That was classic Tarantino, that moment.

Overall, it's somewhere above Reservoir Dogs but below Pulp Fiction and Kill Bill.
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