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Old 04.07.2016, 10:33 AM   #19219
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Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
suicide squad is doing very expensive re-shoots according to media because studio wanted to add in jokes. I guess they made a self-serious, dark, brooding piece of shit like Supes VS Bats and got upset at the reaction to that shithole of a film.

Jai Courtenay (Captain Boomerang) says that's not entirely the case, apparently. According to him, the purpose of the reshoots is not to add jokes but actually to expand on some action sequences. But who knows?

I don't know if anyone saw the FIRST trailer for Suicide Squad (the one before the one with "Bohemian Rhapsody" got everyone pumped), but that first preview was MUCH different. There was a bunch of solo choir-like "ahhhh-Ahhhhh-ahhhh-ahh-LLOOOOL" signing, and the overall "vibe" was extremely dark. In fact it made me think, "this is going to be R, no question, and it's going to be a massive mistake." I watched it alongside early BvS trailers and it gave an impression of being the more serious and more violent film by far.

They did some very intentional rebranding with that second trailer. They highlighted jokes, manipulated timing so things that didn't look like jokes in the first trailer came across as funny. And the use of "Bohemian Rhapspdy" has never in HE history of the universe made anything less awesome.

Now I expect they're worried because that second trailer got people excited, and it may not be representative of the film itself. So I'll bet they are adding some humor, but I wouldn't be surprised at all if they were adding more fun to action sequences by making them a little more enjoyable and a little less grim and destructive.

Personally, I am all for the dark shit. I liked BvS even though it was just the wrong film at the wrong time, and they were trying to use Batman to make Superman more interesting (or more profitable) instead of doing the noble thing and digging deeper into the character of Superman.

One of the reasons that Superman II is a fan favorite is because for so much of the movie, Supes isn't Supes. He's Clark Kent, powerless and pathetic. It gave it a very human touch, but it also kinda bound Superman to the ethereal for all eternity, when the Superman in the comics is MUCH more like what you see in Man of Steel (which, I maintain, is not only a good movie but a great one).

Again, I liked BvS, and I'll be watching it again when the bluray comes out, but it was just a bad decision overall. Not giving Superman, the most long-standing and important character in comic history, his own goddamn sequel was an insane and obviously panic driven move on DC/Warner's part.

I don't see how they thought they could win here. I mean, we're not even 4 years out from The Dark Knight Rises, which regardless of your opinion, was the closing chapter to the absolute most beloved (by both fans and critics) comic adaptation of all time. People still think of Christian Bale and Chris Nolan and Heath Ledger and the rest of that incredible cast when they think of Batman, so throwing a new take on the character at audiences so soon after such an undeniable and consistent string of major global success stories is just DUMB. People were still holding out hope that a 4th Dark Knight film would come around, even AFTER THE NEWS THAT AFFLECK WAS PLAYING BATMAN WAS RELRASED.

So the film not only risked alienating Batman fans, Superman fans, and movie goers in general, but it totally muddied the waters for what was and wasn't DCEU canon! I just don't get it.

But again, it was a blast. Nowhere near as bad as anyone says. There wasn't anythjng offensive about it, and it held my attention, and I was the most skeptical person about this film, from day one. I even briefly made a goddamn website committed to condemning it, and trying to get people to petition the studio to call it the fuck off.

I have no idea what's coming next, but I think all this Justice League crap should be thrown away. We comic book fans would rather see individual heroes done very well than all the heroes done poorly together. I think I speak for everyone when I say that.

The focus should be on Flash, Wonder Woman, Green Arrow, and Superman.
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