Originally Posted by Drjohnrock
This is fucking junior high level bullshit. Wait, make that infantile bullshit. Are Trump's rabid supporters (and Cruz's) really that mindless? Can the fuckhead really say and do anything he pleases and still have their unwavering support? Trump's minions are just looking for a Hitler type to blindly follow. I don't care what your politics are, this should be enough for anyone to say, "that's it, I'm not voting for this grossly immature asshole." But very few if any will reconsider their support for the unfunny clown. So many are so stupid...
Personally i am thrilled at prospects of seeing Trump's ego and self control completely self destruct to the point of self immolation in July when the democrats CRUSH him in a barrage of attack ads and soundbytes..
Trump isn't a politician so he doesn't know or have experience in keeping his cool under such microscopic and hyper criticism.
GOP is literally destroying themselves like the democrats did in the 1960s with Segregationists.. it will be fun to see them collapsed under the weight of their own bigotry and stupidity