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Old 03.15.2016, 06:35 PM   #103
children of satan
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Location: Cincinnati, Ohio
Posts: 292
Drjohnrock kicks all y'all's assesDrjohnrock kicks all y'all's assesDrjohnrock kicks all y'all's assesDrjohnrock kicks all y'all's assesDrjohnrock kicks all y'all's assesDrjohnrock kicks all y'all's assesDrjohnrock kicks all y'all's assesDrjohnrock kicks all y'all's assesDrjohnrock kicks all y'all's assesDrjohnrock kicks all y'all's assesDrjohnrock kicks all y'all's asses
Originally Posted by tesla69
A vote for Hillary is a vote for Wall Street economics. Hillary is partly responsible for the criminal hell in Honduras. When she was Senator did she do anything for NY other than vote yes for every version of the Patriot Act?

It is bizarro world.

I won't get into every vote she cast or every action she took. But to imply there's no difference between her and the average fuckhead GOP politician is quite a stretch. As I said at greater length upthread, she won't appoint Scalia types to the SCOTUS, attempt to trample women's reproductive rights, or tinker with the Affordable Care Act except to make improvements. Least of all evils is a very valid concept. You can waste your vote on Sanders if you like but I don't have any time for naive idealism. I live in the real world. If you really think Sanders has a chance in hell of being president, read about the trouncing of George McGovern in 1972. And Sanders is even further to the left than McGovern was. The stakes are too high, so HRC will have my vote come November.
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