Originally Posted by Severian
Fair enough.
Shit. Haha. Oh well. Woulda been a good talking point had it been true.
Still, if he said "hello?" to the whole room of hens, then just kind of hollered "I'm looking for my wife" into the din, to no one in particular, then it still misses the mark. In order for that famous line to work, then he would have absolutely needed to say "hello" directly to Dorothy at or near the beginning of his little speech.
I doubt he "had her" before she knew he was in the room. Good catch, man. Really. But I want to be a stickler about this because there's not enough stickling going on in the world.
Whatever was said before Dorothy makes eye contact with Jerry and gives her gaggle the stand down order is part of something before the iconic scene.
Asskiss is right you just over thinking it. He clearly said hello in general when walking into the house, and she clearly meant that she heard him when he came in saying hello to no one in particular and that she didn't need his speech.
You're ruining a lovely and romantic scene. Also just don't ever get into this same conversation with your significant other, wifey, momz, grandmomz, sister, homegirl or evening blind date. You will lose many points by expressing less romantic charm than Tim "The Toolman" Taylor