rob's gotten me inspired to start some kinda "intellectual progress" blog... i'd have to finish a book as of late, though.
actually, i finished "although of course you end up becoming yourself" again... i think i've waxed emotional a lot about david foster wallace on here before, and i won't lie, it's hard not to mythologize the man. but he nailed a lot of things about self-doubt/fear/relating to the world when you can feel an imposter sort of syndrome that i personally feel. so it's nice that someone out there was able to express the same thing, but be successful. i think he's the main contemporary writer who first truly made me think "holy shit, you can actually word that!" on a page. and i like the format of the book- lipsky comes across as being like, he's trying to impress dfw too or get some weird point it/he's obviously trying to please rolling stone too and hint at any drug problems raised by infinite jest, but there really is a playful vibe after wallace finally opened up to him more.
fuck i'm frustrated, freaking out something fierce, would you help me? i'm hungry and i stuffer and i startle, i struggle and i stammer til i'm up to my ears in miserable quote unquote "art"