Yeah, I get all that. The game has alienated the working man for ages here. My ultimate point is that the Bundesliga is in a real dilemma. It can stay as it is and drop back in terms of competitiveness with the rest of Europe, especially England, or it can try to negotiate a global TV deal. The problem with that is I'm not sure it's that marketable a league anyway. So even if it did do a deal I still don't think they'd be generating the kind of money they'd need to compete with the Prem. That raises another question. Does it really matter if a league is competitive in Europe, given it only actually relates to a handful of its clubs? The obsession with Champions League success (which is the driving force behind all of this, when you think about it) has far too much influence on the economics of European football. The reason why I get antsy with Bayern is they of all Bundesliga clubs are obsessed with CL success, mainly because they're now basically too big for their domestic league.