Originally Posted by lucyrulesok
haha maybe some of his longer works. i quite like this in an author though , i find it kinda soothing. i think by the sounds of it we look through different things from fiction...?!
but have you read his shorter works? Siddartha? Klingsor's Last Summer? Rosshalde?
I read Siddartha in my 20's, and it left no impression I can recall.
I will have to give his shorter works another go
I am reading The Demolished Man by Alfred Bester. Great sci fi from the early 50's. I had never heard of him except for a Simpsons episode where Martin the smart nerdy kid, says that the ABC's of science fiction are Asimov, Bester, and Clarke, and some kid says "what about Ray Bradbury?" and Martin replies, "I am familiar with his work..." That shit makes me laugh. Ray Bradbury is suck. I find him more boring that Hesse.
Sooooo, this Demolished Man book is amazing so far.