Originally Posted by keep poppin pimples
it's a very religiously accurate soap opera, with all the more criminal-minded characters done by all the best 70s actors
oh i see what you mean. i do remember the soap opera aspect of it. i don't know how accurate it was but mang i really hated everyone there so i stopped.
Originally Posted by evollove
Which TV show most accurately represents your idea of how Washington DC works?
VEEP - Completely selfish, cruel people with no real values or loyalty, but often brought down by incompetence or the inability to deal with unexpected events
HOUSE OF CARDS - Brilliant strategists two steps ahead of everyone else, mixed with dullards who are easy to manipulate. Murder to protect/advance career not out of the question.
WEST WING - Generally principled people who sometimes do the right thing, sometimes end up doing the wrong thing, but they usually try to make a decent effort. In the end, they are probably more principled than politically savvy. Also, very charming.
ha ha ha-- good characterizations there.
having lived there, i've met all 3 kinds. well, not the murderers, at least not in person (e.g. prick cheney) but the idealists, the narcissists, the power-lusty, the vapid, the sadists, the sycophants, the slaves, they're all there.
one character in house of cards has defied my attempts to decipher him and that is/was stamper. what the fuck is/was his deal?