Once you become a public speaker, the bigger problem you have is knowing when its better to just shut up! For me, the mic is always on now, I can walk into any room and just take that shit over, BUT, often that is not the best course of action. The key to public speaking is to always know what you are talking about, and treat it like a conversation. Once you have mastered that artform, of essentially being able to carry on a conversation with a room full of people as if you were talking to just one person, than its all cake yo!
What is hilarious is one of my co-workers told me once, "Yeah but this job is easy for you, you are such a people person!" I was like, "Actually no, believe it or not before I started doing this I was almost cripplingly shy!"
College presentations are what broke me in like a good horse, and now again, the bigger problem is not nerves but knowing when to shut up