Originally Posted by evollove
1.) Which translation?
2.) Have you read everything by Nabokov? If not, you're missing out on some glorious sentences.
Nabokov for sure, but also
Joseph Conrad
James Joyce
W. Somerset Maugham
John LeCarre
Evelyn Waugh
Kingsley Amis
Raymond Carver
Steinbeck - his shorter stuff like Cannery Row
Graham Greene
Ernest Hemingway
F Scott Fitzgerald
John Updike
More Contemporary:
Ian McEwan
Kazuo Ishiguro
Julian Barnes
More genre oriented but worth considering just as great writers would be Dashiell Hammett, JG Ballard, Elmore Leonard and James Lee Burke.
More for essays than fiction
Tom Wolfe
Susan Sontag
Christopher Hitchens
And I love David Foster Wallace's recent collection of essays, Consider the Lobster.
Writers that're meant to be great stylists but who I really struggle with are Faulkner, Bellow, Roth, Martin Amis, James Ellroy, Delillo and McCarthy (who I've gone right off recently)
OK I'll stop editing now.