Originally Posted by !@#$%!
shut up you fucking jinx
jozy's leg + clint's nose = YOUR OWN PERSONAL FAULT

Honestly, I did feel a bit responsible
Originally Posted by !@#$%!
right, but there was no yellow, was it? not even a fucking caution, nothing.
on another incident, some ghanian sweeps jermaine jones from behind, complete… i don't know how to translate "carretilla" ("wheelbarrow"). jones, pissed, sort of rubs his cleats on the skull of the ghanian as they roll on the floor. the ghanian, sore, gets pissed and gets on top of jones and starts either punching or stabbing him on the stomach with the fingers.
what does the ref do?
a) makes them shake hands
b) gives the free kick to ghana
I don't think that Jones was rubbing the cleats on purpose, it was part of the momentum and that Ghanian dude diving forward. In a word, he ran into it. What was dirty was how the Ghanian dude pounced on Jones on the ground and literally tried to choke him out!
Come on. That is a red card, not for the play itself, but literally going for the jugular after the play was clearly done.. I dare say US got into Ghana's head in this one..