Originally Posted by demonrail666
Pepe was an idiot but Muller deserved a card too for play acting.
what!? no way! muller was rubbing his face when pepe came to express his affection. the guy reacted, didn't playact-- probably telling him to get the fuck out of his face. wouldn't you? watch again. he puts up his hands, starts yelling, stands up to him-- doesn't pretend he was bloodied or anything. just a matter of personal space.
if you mean playacting before… maybe a little exaggeration but certainly nothing unusual. one could say more of gotze's penalty which looked really bad live but not on replay.
AND i'm super-happy for the ramdeuter. what a game he had!
USA benefits from all the injuries today-- too many really.
Originally Posted by pokkeherrie
I got back home around 7am...
ha ha haa ha-- i knew it! it deserved no less.
and congratulations. that was tremendous.