Netherlands did to Spain what Spurs did to Heat, they simply outplayed a team that was clearly fatigued for whatever reasons, be it physically or even just mentally. Athletes are human too and none of us are immune to the self-defeating feeling of, "Fuck its just one damned thing going wrong after another.." In the realm of theology we'd call that a Divine Reality check, even if God is merely a construct to define the bigger picture in a longest term sequence of events. If we flip a coin long enough, we get to 50-50, even if for a long run it keeps flipping one way for a long sequence, the math will even out with a string of opposite flips. So in sports, which is really just a matter of chance, we can make the same simple prediction. If the ball breaks a certain way for a team for a long time, we can easily predict that at a certain point all their lucky breaks will reverse and suddenly everything that can go wrong, will go wrong. This is what is happening to Miami Heat, and it could be what is happening to Spain if they don't get a hold of it at take a gamblers' chance that the odds just might flip their way if they are dedicated enough to a longer sequence of events