Originally Posted by demonrail666
Finally watched it
It's hard to know where this really sits as a Grindhouse movie. It obviously ticks the 'zero-budget' box but there's not enough blood to cater to gore fans and no sex at all for the XXX crowd. At the same time it's not really arty or camp enough for the Underground. Saying all that I did somehow end up enjoying it, even though I still can't think of a single genuinely good thing to say about it.

Yeah, Milligan's film divide people's opinions like no other, I reckon, and in spite of himself wanting to be taken seriously as a director, I can't help but think that own unique "style" was always going to get in the way of that. He does a much better job on the horror/conventional narrative tip in "The Body Beneath", and he can be capable of reigning in enough competence to carry a film through to the end. I personally wouldn't put him as an Underground director (though there is a gay subtext in much of his work), and he never really got it together enough to be a full-on horror maestro. Having said that, though, i remain fascinated by both his life and work, and only the NYC area could have produced someone like Milligan, I feel.