Fuck movies. Fuck current TV. Morton Downey Jr is where it's at.
I vaguely remembered the show, but re-watching a few episodes all these years later has blown my mind.
A chain smoking conservative (but really, I doubt he believes in anything) who wanders the stage and yells a lot. The audience is batshit. More than a few fights have broken out.
Where to begin?
Here's one on the ACLU:
Here's a special episode taped at the Apollo Theater. The subject: atheists.
Here's the otherwise calm, rational Ron Paul getting pushed too far by a host and audience that doesn't get libertarianism. If Ron Paul were president, Morton says he'd puke.
But he's cool with heavy metal and punk, and defends the music on this episode. Featuring JOEY RAMONE!
And on and on.
This shit is insane. I can't stop watching. Highly recommended.