Originally Posted by !@#$%!
rock is dumb,
Not dumb, exactly, and of course I get your point about intellectually stimulating music, but when someone really smart and skilled devotes their talents and their entire life to writing about rock, just feels like a waste to me, personally.
Originally Posted by !@#$%!
also, i think the high-brow/low-brow art distinction you're making has been abandoned for over half a century now. it's all culture.
I sort of still make the distinction. And there are still museums and literary journals with discriminating taste, and they still give out Nobels.
Actually, I think now we have a choice about whether or not to accept any sort of cannon, which is even more liberating.
So from my antiquated perspective, I find it hard to take Camille Paglia's academic take on the Rolling Stones all that seriously. (Also, I'm sort of dumb, and I have to be selective about firing my brain cells.)
Or it may be I'm feeling my mortality, and with only so much time left, the number of things I take seriously has dwindled.
But I use to care a lot about rock theory, and this book used to get me hard. I think many will enjoy it: