Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor
When it comes to quantity, the same could be said about yourself or many others from over the years. There was once a time when atsonicpark dominated this board and I don't recall anyone complaining about that.
The way I read it, the problem isn't people who choose to bogart the forum......it those who choose to respond!
Bullshit. It wasn't about dominating the board, there is no other way to say it, gast was spam yo. He was posting up to 20 or 30 empty, meaningless, incoherent threads a day. It got so bad that when you logged in, all you saw was two pages of gast threads. THAT is why people left more than anything, even I left for a year until gast stopped posting. But hey, thanks for throwing me under the fucking bus with my 3 posts a day for 10 years, dick.