Originally Posted by demonrail666
Sorry but while it's heart might be in the right place, that's a bloody awful film. A cliche ridden embarrassment.
Heh heh - been a while since we disagreed on a film, eh?

Fair enough to you - personally, I found it enjoyable stuff, though certainly don't expect you to like everything I do! Be interested to know your take on it, if you have a spare moment.
Talking of seriously bad films, someone on FB tried to talk up Jesus Franco's "Bloody Moon" as being a decent giallo effort. I remember that one as being an absolutely godawful trainwreck, with some of the worst special effects I've ever seen. I think I lent it to you, and you referred to it as "Bloody Awful"!
PS. Just about to watch Claude Chabrol's "The Breach" - have you seen that one at all?