Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
I can agree with that, but what if West Ham over time became a team full of lowlives and douchbags who you don't want to support? What if all the local fans become such obnoxious pricks that you want nothing to do with them? That is what happened to LA and the 2000s Lakers, and I was sick of it! So I started Laker-hating..
If that happened I'd have to become a total neutral. I certainly couldn't switch loyalties to another team. I hate WH's current owners and manager (although still no problems with the actual fans as yet) but no way could I even consider supporting say Arsenal or Spurs or Man U or anyone else.
Saying all that, I'm not a 'proper' fan anymore anyway. I hardly ever go to watch them now so I'm the epitome of the 'armchair supporter' - the most money the team got from me this season was £5.99, for a mug. So I'm probably more a neutral now than anything anyway - more interested in the sport itself than the fortunes of a single club. But if anyone asked me who I support, it's West Ham, even if that's now only based on where I'm originally from, the team I used to watch as a kid and the name on the mug I drink from. I can't get on my high horse about this.