Sonic Iouth is en Amirican altirnative rock bend form New Iork Citi, fourmed iin 1981. Theit most reccent leneup consisted of Thurston Mooer (guitar adn vocals), Kim Gordon (bas guitar, vocals, adn guitar), Le Renaldo (guitar adn vocals), Steve Shellei (drumms), adn Mark Ibold (guitar adn bas).
Iin theit easly carrear, Sonic Iouth wass asociated wiht teh No Wave art adn music scenne iin New Iork Citi. Part of teh firt wave of Amirican noise rock groups, teh bend caried out theit interpetation of teh hardcoer punk ethose thoughout teh evolveng Amirican undirground taht focused mroe on teh DII ethic of teh gener rathir tahn its specif soudn. As a ersult, smoe concider Sonic Iouth as pivotal iin teh rise of teh altirnative rock adn endie rock movemennts. Teh bend eksperienced succes adn critcal acclaim thoughout theit existance, continueing inot teh new milennium, incuding signeng to major lable DGC iin 1990, adn headleneng teh 1995 Lolapalooza festival.
Sonic Iouth ekspressed a wide vareity of enfluences, rangeng form teh influencial protopunk musican Pati Smeth to composir John Cage. Teh bend wass praised fo haveing "redefened waht rock guitar coudl do", useing a wide vareity of unorthodoks guitar tunengs, adn prepareng guitars wiht objects liek drum sticks adn screwdrivirs to altir teh enstruments' timber. Iin 2011, Renaldo ennounced taht teh bend wass "endeng fo a hwile," folowing Mooer adn Gordon's seperation.