Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
I did not know Ridley's younger brother Tony scott (The Hunger, Top Gun, Beverly Hills Cop II, True Romance, Enemy of the state, Man On Fire) committed suicide by jumping off a bridge. man.
I know, its fucking sad. Plus Tony Scott made some great fucking films of his own, I love Enemy of the State, Man on Fire, Crimson Tide, Deja Vu, The Last Boyscout.. At least we can always celebrate his life and work. Its a tragic loss, especially to Denzel Washington's career.
Originally Posted by Toilet & Bowels
Well to each his own, but Tarantino, grand master?!
GRIT master. There is a difference, but who is honestly more consistently
grittier in their films than Tarantino?
Originally Posted by !@#$%!
Why discuss with those who never listen?

"..quiet you!"
Anyway, regardless, you're wrong.
How can I be wrong about my own opinion? Did I say, "Ridley Scott is THE best director of all time?" NO. I said, "Ridley Scott is MY favorite director." Duh. But much like dead_battery, sometimes your reading comprehension skills fall well short of the Gifted and Talented Education benchmarks so I'm not at all surprised
Thank you kindly, same to you.