Originally Posted by foreverasskiss
old DVDs of the X-Files and King of the Hill seasons. in bed.
I've been meaning to dive into X-Files on Netflix, I used to REALLY enjoy watching re-runs on syndication a few years ago, but the catch is, I don't even know where to start, or remember anything about where my favorite episodes or seasons are, and with X-Files, there is a shitload of ground to cover, and I am in no way going to try and sit through 10 seasons from the beginning, so instead, I've watched none. Any recommendations for a good season to start? I think my favorite episodes came from the middle seasons, that is when the show evolved from a sort of random show to a distinct and cohesive narrative. I'll never forget the sincere shock and awe I experienced when seeing Scully find that alien ship on the beach in Ivory Coast. Epic. To me it was as big as how everybody is creaming their pants over Breaking Bad. Meh. Whenever TV shows are too hyped and popular, even if they are great, I still tend not to watch them. I've never watched Oz, or the Sopranos, or Breaking Bad, or Game of Thrones, but I have season the third season of Dexter which I watched with my sister and I though it was pretty good. Liked it enough that I felt completed with that one season, didn't need to go back or forward any further..