Ah, quite right about Gervinho. Thinking of a completely different player.
It seems that Wenger pays even less attention to Arsenal's defence than either of us. It's always been a problem with him. When he first joined them he inherited one of the all time great defences, which his early success was largely built on, but he never really maintained it when the key players retired.
Oh, I kind of enjoy despairing about West Ham. They'll never win anything so worrying about lack of success is pretty pointless. All you can do is wallow in their absurdity while hoping it doesn't get so out of hand that they risk getting relegated again. Beyond that it's simply the hope that they might occasionally get a scalp over one of the bigger clubs. But that's about as good as it gets. Not complaining though. They're still a great team to support, just one that requires a totally different set of expectations than you'd need supporting the bigger teams. The nearest most West Ham fans get to Europe is taking the ferry over to Calais to load up on cigarettes. Still better than supporting Chelsea though.
And Obama's a fan, even though they're less 'Yes We Can' and more 'Realistically We Don't Have a Hope in Hell'.