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Old 09.02.2013, 03:57 PM   #355
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Originally Posted by dead_battery
its on my kindle so i'll read it tonight.

and in response i will commend a bit of nihilism to you

its true - i am one toxically shamed motherfucker.

but i am not going to totally get on board with your "stop looking for absolutes" thing because i dont want to totally reside in pomo relativist hell. been there too long, its in my blood, its too comfortable.

i don't have time/energy to read that now, but thanks for the link

pomo relativist hell is just more liberal academic pant-crapping. it stands for nothing because it (again) adopts the god-perspective and says all shit is equal in its eyes. it's just the shadow of god calling it quits in impotence.

but if there is no god and his shadow has vanished and there is only human limitation, then it is up to us to claim whatever is our domain and do our work there with things that matter to us there. that's the (real, sane) meaning of "humility" (not "duuuuuust in the wiiiiiiiiiiiind" which is just god-posturing ceybaby). we don't know everything, can't know everything, but we can work our fucking parcel, we can find meaning and value there, because that's the only place one can find it. and yes one can voluntarily associate with others for larger purposes in what's called a "community," and there's meaning and value there too, some say a greater meaning and a greater value. but there is no meaning or value in the vast interstellar emptiness because the universe as a whole does not / can not give a fuck and it is absurd to ask any of that of it. except to scam other people for tithes & mind control.
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