but then again, i still dont know what you are telling me to do or how to do it.
the decaying corpse of god will always hang heavily over my mind, being a mere hick who is accosted on the street by maniacal preachers telling me they've extracted demons from people that "left their body in a mans voice but they were a woman." I think this was some subtle way of saying "you're faggy looking and i want to exorcise you" but i'm not sure.
I can remember the moment the teacher uttered the accursed word "atheism" and 30 disgusted faces turned to glare at me, the heretic. They called me a heathen. "Why can't we burn him on the bonfire?" That's the kind of mentality I come from, so it's maybe hard to carry gods corpse all the way to the incinerator on my own.