lets do this!
Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
Werner Heisenberg
But you're quite literally being foolish so as to discredit or dismiss the significant impact which Christian, Islam, Brahmanism, and Buddhism actually had on human civilization and advancements in language, science, mathematics, engineering, and medicine. By the way, you did realize that Sir Isaac Newton INVENTED modern calculus but not for what you may have been thinking. Newton was obsessed with gamatria, and he designed calculus in an attempt to "decode" the Bible to predict the Apocalypse (he went to the grave insisting that his algorithms predicted the end of the world in 2060)..
yeah. and all those contributions are what led to science, and are now a part of history. they have nothing more to teach us. newton also spent most of his time in more secular pursuits (fucking alchemy).
im giving your religion credit, but only in the way that a parasite burrowing through the brain of a host gives the host credit. sure it was fun but now i've sucked up your brain and am some sort of insect drone creature with psychic internet antenna flying the globe and remotely hacking the financial markets. i dont really care about that old dead person i once used up. going back to them would be a waste of time.
This is only a problem if you believe in the self. Your point is that the self is omnipotent and thus we can endlessly avoid facing what we dont want to face because you can accuse the other of not knowing what your self REALLY is and thus you can never be pinned down.
And of course, that's the whole point of the culture. Men have selves and do the naming of others, and thus the pretense is that men create all these things. But its either men or the violent or the briefly powerful that endlessly change the definitions. I'm sick of this stupid pretense.
Also, there is nothing in me that ever could 'get out' of the trap of this mind. That's more christianity right there if you think there is. Please show me where in the brain the self is located? You're just an ape standing there pointing at it howling your noise and i'm supposed to respect it or else. I'm supposed to believe it exists. lol
Yet with all the cancer causing chemicals released and the menacing threat of nuclear annihilation, how can you be so smug as to rely on science, when it has proven as dangerous as any other human art?
Answer me this then - without science, would we not be going extinct anyway? Wheren't we always going extinct? If science makes us go extinct, then thats another bonus and an almost divine miracle for the human race. That's a more christian ending. We do something that makes us go extinct. You can still have your god then, and be the tragic figure who held onto hope in a corrupt world, where ultimately the corrupt hearts of your fellow men won, but you still held out strong. How lovely! Also, there's a lot of cancer causing substances in nature. And all this relies on this silly split between nature and culture. You think the natural is good cos like, god made it and its simple and feels good. The artificial is bad cos we made it and its all industrial and it must be our fault for doing that that the world is tainted with death and suffering. You and half the fucking culture still believes in this idea but it's not going to remain credible for much longer. Try regressing and seeing how nature or god takes care of you. Try not artificially regulating the earths co2 levels and see what happens. Try putting your faith in the inherent goodness of the world.
Also, science has already done more than religion ever will. You know this to be a fact. More Americans would know this is they didn't have to face going broke to pay medical bills. You don't need faith as much when you have socialized medicine.
There are no shortcuts. Further, how can you be so sure that the chemicals in the brain cause what you observe or experience, and that its not completely the other way around? How can you know that the experiences don't cause the chemicals?
The photons coming from the objects themselves are what is experienced. they are literally inside the eyes.
Bullshit. Science is filled with human conceptions, human measurements, human fabrications. All of the lovely "science" is merely a human art of interpreting reality, but as with all matters of interpretation, how can we always be so certain that something isn't lost in translations?
Whereas religion is nothing BUT one big human interpretation where EVERYTHING is lost in translation.
And I'd rather question your pretense to know reality. Or to know one singular reality that you have access to and are able to discern from what is non reality. You exhibit the same type of logic as some on the new right who endlessy whine about how modern decadent liberals and all those other groups they want to murder refuse to accept 'reality'. This is a way of salvaging the male ego. It has access to reality and everyone else is just a little puppet gliding over its surface.
You are trying to hold onto creationism by saying that reality is just a big blur and an incomprehensible mess until we interpret it. And by we you have specifically you and presumably your god or gods wherever they are. You want to pretend that whatever interpretation you spin on it is somehow immune from being mere data and thus not subject to a set of laws. That what you think is coming from your will to create. That you are making things up as you go along rather than being made up by the flux that goes through your mind.
I'm saying that reality is just a big blur period and our interpretations dont mean shit. Literally they are worthless. But science is something that we can do, reproducing results that bring intelligibility and systematization.
Considering how many great scientists were active, worshiping Christians how can you be damned sure that these are in natural conflict or dichotomy? From Newton, to Mendel, all the way up to Francis Collins, many impacting scientists were also men of renowned faith. Did you know Newton published more commentaries on Scripture than he did on science? Or that Mendel celebrated Mass as a priest? Or that Francis Collins is an active church goer? Yet these men are also foundation pioneers and corner stones of post-modern science. Hmmm.. Seems your supposed scientific dichotomy is non-existent than
Yeah, I agree, its something I want to see happen rather than something that is entirely here already.
But this isn't the 19th century anymore.