Originally Posted by dead_battery
i look forward to the day science definitively proves that to be untrue beyond any shadow of a reasonable doubt, and you christos pretend you never believed it in the first place. like when you said heaven was literally in the sky above us and prayer cured illness and priests incense cured mould infestations and...
altho, since we already have footage from the inside of peoples brains which clearly shows the outlines of actual objects in their thoughts, and all that other fucking library of science we have, i think such solipsistic fictions are already beyond the point of needing to be taken seriously enough to refute...
How can science prove such things, when science is entirely a human creation, and therefore part of the same dream? Who said prayer was ever about curing illness rather then contemplating the higher planes of reality, or more correctly, transcending beyond the limitations of the dream to find the Dreamer?
And by the way, you should know that botanically speaking,
myrrh does in fact have antibacterial and antimicrobial properties hence why it was used in medicine as well as embalming for thousands of years. You should be more careful than to dismiss the previous 250,000 years of human history in the name of post-modern so-called "scientific discoveries" because simply put, without the continuity and discoveries of those previous and so-called primitive humans, we all would have long ago went extinct.
Interestingly, examining the effects of cancer caused by industrialization as well as the ever menacing threat of total nuclear annihilation, perhaps science is actually MORE threatening towards our extinction than primitivism