07.03.2013, 02:32 PM
invito al cielo
Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: fucking Los Angeles
Posts: 14,801
Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
women make up over 52% of the population. they need to fucking take over again, and slap the tiny-dicked leaders of men down with a quickness.
Who said they weren't already?
The bodyguard who had written about women and the truth - it was Zerubbabel - spoke last. 14 "Gentlemen," he began, "the emperor is certainly powerful, men are numerous, and wine is strong, but who rules and controls them all? It is women! 15 Women gave birth to the emperor and all the men who rule over land and sea. 16 Women brought them into the world. Women brought up the men who planted the vineyards from which wine comes. 17 Women make the clothes that men wear; women bring honor to men; in fact, without women, men couldn't live. 18 "Men may accumulate silver or gold or other beautiful things, but if they see a woman with a pretty face or a good figure, 19 they will leave it all to gape and stare, and they will desire her more than their wealth. 20 A man will leave his own father, who brought him up, and leave his own country to get married. 21 He will forget his father, his mother, and his country to spend the rest of his life with his wife. 22 So you must recognize that women are your masters. Don't you work and sweat and then take all that you have earned and give it to your wives? 23 A man will take his sword and go out to attack, rob and steal, and sail the seas and rivers. 24 He may have to face lions or travel in the dark, but when he has robbed, stolen, and plundered, he will bring the loot home to the woman he loves. 25 "A man loves his wife more than his parents. 26 Some men are driven out of their minds on account of a woman, and others become slaves for the sake of a woman. 27 Others have been put to death, have ruined their lives, or have committed crimes because of a woman. 28 So now do you believe me? "The emperor's power is certainly great - no nation has the courage to attack him. 29 But once I saw him with Apame, his concubine, the daughter of the famous Bartacus. While sitting at the emperor's right, 30 she took his crown off his head, put it on her own, and then slapped his face with her left hand. 31 All the emperor did was look at her with his mouth open. Whenever she smiles at him, he smiles back; and when she gets angry with him, he flatters her and teases her until she is in a good mood again. 32 Gentlemen, if women can do all that, surely there can be nothing stronger in the world."
1 Esdras Chapter 4
Today Rap music is the Lakers