but none of the things that make say, my life unique and non identical are remotely intense or noticeable enough to alter the fundamental sameness of my experience to other peoples. nothing going on in my head is that different from yours.
obviously, the inside of the brain of an asbergers guy on meth or a retarded maths savant 5 year old girl is a bit different, but its just a matter of variations on the same essential hardware.
sure, the exact list of memes, names, dreams and images of things ive seen you could extract from my brain with the tech we're developing now would be technically not totally the same as ANY other individuals, but it would be pretty fucking similar. and the fundamentals of how it felt to me would be the same as it did for millions of others in similar situations to me.
like all the daily bullshit i think - the feelings of there being good in my life and my plans and desires and future redeeming me and all my egos fantasies of praise, adoration, dominance, success and fame - all of this is composed of the same fundamental stuff that keeps most people from becoming sane enough to kill themselves. sure i might want to be a slightly different take on the fantasy we're all chasing, but its the same basic neurological package and chemical flow.