Originally Posted by demonrail666
ha ha ha. thanks for the links! i mentioned in my initial comment something about high chances of protracted celibacy and old resentments on the part of the (likely male) writer(s). will read the rest of the review in a minute.
meanwhile, professore, and if not you someone else who read and understood the text and won't obfuscate their lack of comprehension with obscurities-- can you(s) clarify some of the words i'm running into here?
Empire - who's?
Spectacle - i remember this from vaguely post structuralist readings on late capitalism. whose coinage is it and what is it exactly (or approximately)?
Bloom - lost me there.
dense shit, needs translation footnotes, and it's making me wanna read stendhal and proust, which i've previously attempted with only failure as a result, but i have a nice lazyish summer ahead of me and so why not (huayno).