Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
Like LA without the glamour, and with cheaper drugs and a better freeway system.
Hahahaha.. I was going to just say the EXACT same thing. Y'all got all the gangs and drug violence too, plus you had an epic Championship B-ball team for just a second, and of course a decent music scene for a short while as well. Lets call y'all sub-LA East. But what would LA be without the vain, self-imploding glamour? Even bums got an individual style and fashion sense, and I know cold-blooded killers who are sometimes more concerned with their wardrobe then their blood feuds

(look it is LA encapsulated in one image, a gold-digging hot chick with style, a savy mogul, a celebrity B-ball hero who also became a local real estate tycoon and a sincere LA community bulwark, and of course a low-life drug dealing gangster, hahahah its almost cliche but that picture is not contrived, it was a genuine and not-exactly staged LA moment)
Thank Dr Jerry Buss rest his soul, he turned LA from a shit town into a global celebrity, even we ourselves are as self-absorbed in our self-reflective image as any other star-struck fucker from butt-fuck nowhere..