this guy swallows his gun and shoots self in mouth rather than face a world in which god is dead and the compulsion to suck dick cannot be repressed by a writing a far right blog all day.
damn dom! no amount of sublimating your cock lust with fantasies of strapping nazi commandos retaking europe and relaxing at night with your books could save you from SOME SORT of climax! and shit dude, surely the taste of cum isnt as bad as lead. well, im sure you looked totally pretty while you did it, and all your fellow french right wingers will remember you as exactly the kind of mentally ill self hating faggot they relying on for votes yet dream of the state executing!
still the whole things really depressing. i mean i feel this guys angst. it just becomes painful to be a faggot in this world

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you can never really accept or believe that you are one. in your unconscious you always hope that the gay will go away and your he man will turn into a nicki minaj one day. then you think it would probably never work out. you just get stuck going back and forth in duality. guns or sex are a good way to end such indecision, but death ends it for us all in the end anyway... oh well...