Thread: I hate when...
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Old 05.14.2013, 01:51 PM   #7
Rob Instigator
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I am great. Shit's just grating to me.

My wife and I always volunteer at various charities, where we think we can do some good. My wife yesterday went on a van tour of places being helped by a charity here in Houston that is working to help those victimized by human trafficking for the sex trade. She came home steaming hot, deeply offended by the way the tour "guides" described their work, and about how very little of it is actually about informing the public and helping those who suffer, and how much of it is the same-ol' "I can't do anything for you but let me save your soul!!!", and horrendous advice, such as, when they were at a very very seedy dangerous location, the guides told the group that if threatened by someone they should respond with "what, are you threatening me with heaven?" As if that will somehow quell some psycho's murderous impulse.

Just fucking tired of it all. Tired of the lies, the hypocrisy, the self-congratulation for what is basically a 2 hour diversion from their "normal" lives... It just makes me sick.

I help people. I jump in first thing, never worrying about myself, much to my wife's concern. She knows I am the first to run into traffic to help accident victims, the first to comfort and console those who have just lost someone, etc. I do not do this for rewards in this life nor in whatever supposed next life everyone keeps trying to brainwash themselves exists after death.

My wife and I do this at secular organizations, at religious organizations, and any place we can help. The religious ones are the FUCKING WORST. Seemingly 1/2 the volunteers are there to make themselves feel better about themselves. The other half seem to be "putting in their time" so that god, or jesus or whothefuckever notices, and marks it in their permanent record.

The few people like us, the ones who want to help because we know what it is like to not have anyone helping, we are all beaten down, worn out by the endless bullshit spewed by those who pretend to do good. They only make it harder to help others.

It is a sad shame

I have nothing against personal prayer. what I have deep rage against is people using prayer as some sort of fail-safe tool. Your individual relationship with whatever creator you wish to assign the universe to is your business. Trying to use your supplications to that creator as some sort of HELP makes me sick.
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