So in the past 6 months there has been a changing of the guard of no less than SIX of the major Patriarchates and Papacies in the world.
The Coptic Pope of Alexandria and all of Egypt, His Holiness Pope Shenouda III passed away, there is a new Pope elevated on the Throne there.
The Armenian Patriarch of Jerusalem passed away, and there is a new Patriarch there elevated on the the Throne there.
The Bulgarian Patriarch passed away and there is a new Patriarch elevated on the Throne there.
The Byzantine Patriarch of Syria and Antioch passed away, and there is a new Patriarch there.
The Patriarch of Ethiopia passed away, and there is a new Patriarch there.
And today, there is even going to be a new Pope in the Vatican in Rome.
2012/2013 is a weird year. Its a Brave New World