haha.. I support authors but on the real, lets not kid ourselves here, how much exactly DOES toni morrison make from a single book? Ten books? Shit even a thousand books? Lets also ask ourselves, what is Toni's intention as an author, is it to inspire us with her art or just to make money? If it were just to make money, couldn't she turn out thousands of pages of bullshit pulp? Wait, she takes her time? Maybe she cares more about the ART, and less about the money than some sanctimonious people here?
Again, if folks have the money, support your artists, but lets not get into a pissing contest here, neither should we point fingers at other people. People can support art a million ways, but as an artist what do we think Toni Morrison might prefer, that A MILLION PEOPLE buy her book so she can make $ and yet NEVER read it, or that a handful of people might get a free copy and read it and change their lives.
By the way, so what, IS THE FUCKING LIBRARY ALSO ROBBING AUTHORS TOO! Some people here need to get over themselves, they sound almost like
sycophants to the publishing companies more so than supporters of the arts