Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
You have a bad argument suchfriends. Just because corruption exists does not mean that purity is no longer a goal to be strived for.
In sports I'd beg to differ. Do I prefer something at least respectable? Yes. Why do I like Lebron James? The guy married his sweetheart, takes care of his sons, never has any scandal in the media or the club, never been arrested, doesn't do drugs, never been accused of raping a woman in a hotel room, in fact during last years' NBA Finals he was reading BOOKS in the lockerroom to keep his head clear, and not because the publisher sent them as advertising, but because he was sincerely reading them. THAT is the kind of athlete I want as a role model for my nieces and nephews, for my god-children, and for all my students. NOT the kobe bryants who continually have a bad attitude as well as a bad lifestyle. NOT the Lance Armstrongs. NOT the A-Rods doing steroids and YET STILL managing to throw the MLB play-offs to get at chicks in the stands? REALLY?
Sports can have integrity, but lets be honest, the blatant commercialism and marketing which is the very nature of the beast of ANY and EVERY spectator sport at EVERY LEVEL of the game, is always going to be there. THAT is what Siddhartha discovered, the first noble truth that his father so desperately tried to shield him friend. LIFE IS SUFFERING. So is sports. Is it ALL fake? Hardly. Is it ALL commercialism? No. However we have to accept it all as what it is. We can't compartmentalize or build up any cognitive dissonance. That would only be naive hubris on our part as fans in the audience