Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
That same biology is why males of ANY species tend to be more aggressive, both against other males and indeed females, and even young (infanticide)..
This is what I was trying to get into knox's head when she was saying men can't relate to, empathize, or understand the experience of women in regards to fear of other men. I do not walk around "afraid" of other men, this is true, but as a man I must size up the intentions and potential for conflict between any and EVERY male human I encounter. The wrong look, the wrong gesture, a complete misunderstanding, or just the wrong place at the wrong time can get a man beaten severely, stabbed, shot, or even killed by another man who may be a perfect stranger. This is a BIOLOGICAL reality of Darwinian evolution. Males must dominate other males in order to attract females. Further, females even if they don't admit it, tend to prefer either (1) uber-Type A males or (2) uber- Type B males as an antithesis to the aggressive male. Women need to accept that men are often jerks because women even if just subconsciously like aggressive, assertive, or asshole men. When women like muffin soft men, it is a protest to the aggressive male, but it is still giving power to male aggression by responding directly.
As a man, and a male animal, I have to always be on the look out for other males. Some men I've known are no longer alive with us because of other men's aggression. Others have been stabbed, beaten, or maimed. While I have been spared, it is because I am alert and diligent to avoid these kinds primal altercations. I am sorry that knox missed my point, but sexual assault on women stems from a primal male aggression, and is indeed the epitome of violence. This same primal violence is not spared to other men. So men generally have as much of a biological imperative to be cautious around other men as much as women do to protect themselves from rape or sexual violence. Primal violence is a universal struggle, it doesn't have a gender bias.
That is such bullshit and you're contradicting yourself.
This biology talk is such a cop-out. Do you personally eat other humans? Kill them? Go out hunting for animals? Put your finger up your ass and sniff it in front of other people? Do you piss to mark your territory, masturbate in public, throw shit? Did mother cut the umbilical cord with her teeth?
You're not living in a highly evolved society, with changing laws, structures and technology? Are you not la highly social being who uses a toilet to poo and clothes to go out and follows several social rules?
Are you not part of a species that has had and has many cultures? Laws? Morals? Boundaries?
That just is the
lamest excuse not to confront your own sexism.
You do know
racists use that excuse too? Saying that the human brain is
programmed to discriminate? For some reason, I can't imagine you taking this kind of bullshit as a valid excuse in this case...
One moment, you're all nice guys who don't mean anything bad and get really insulted if they are "accused" of doing anything demeaning to women, and then suddenly you're a wild beast that cannot be tamed or changed that argument becomes convenient.