Originally Posted by !@#$%!
it's easy to call for spending cuts, the issue is WHAT to cut.
do you cut NASA, do you cut food safety, do you cut the navy, do you cut social security and medicare, do you cut food stamps, what do you cut?
funny thing during the presidential debates that the traditional roles were reversed when romney wanted to buy aircraft carriers the navy didn't want-- and he said that they could create jobs (LOL). well they would, but that's a keynesian argument.
anyway i'm for spending in infrastructure-- electrical grid and highway and water and sewage and rail and airports and internet. and of course education. i'd say the biggest savings would be to pull the troops from all around the globe and reduce the armed forces. does the US need to be the world's cop? no it doesn't. let the rest of the world pay for their own defense. shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiittt!
Many combined estimates suggest that there are between $500-750BILLION spent annually on corruption, bloated pork projects, ridiculous pension/compensation packages for police/prison unions, and of course out-right fraud (especially in Medicare and Defense spending..) so in theory we could solve all our woes not by cutting anything we use or like or need, but just cutting all the waste, corruption, and fraud. However, there is clearly not the political will to do such at the time, or such would not even be so prevalent in the first place.
So I say we can cut, but our dialogue should not be on trying to find which half of Solomon's baby to cut, but rather were to start examining everyone's sacred cows and find some fat and fraud to remove. Many Americans don't realize just how corrupt this nation and our economy really are, but it is staggering to our economy. During bubble years we don't notice, but in recessions they become glaringly obvious in the holes they dig through the budgets. I am all for spending cuts, but cut the right things, all ideologies aside.