While watching Sinister (an ok film, I guess) with my beloved boy toy last night, I fell asleep 3/4 of the way through! Only to wake up three hours later to finish it, which interrupted the movie's flow. The BF was bummed. we have a tradition of watching unsettling and or horrific films together, and I think I'm taking the fun out of it. I have never been easily scared, but I had high hopes for Sinister.
I would appreciate some recommendations for recent (last year or so up to now) horror flicks that might gimme the willies, and help save my dying relationship

I know this is kind of a lame request, but I have, like, no time for fun stuff, and watching movies is about the most exciting thing I can fit into my life, entertainment wise. So I am really looking for the most disturbing, creative, freaky, non-kitsch horror films of the highest quality.